Monday, April 30, 2018

Life finds a way

No new blooms today. Still waiting on tulips, lilacs, and azaleas, and rhododendrons and irises are a few weeks away. But the sun came out for a few hours this afternoon, and I decided to take advantage of the natural light to grab some photos of things that have been around a while..

Image may contain: plant, grass, flower, outdoor and nature

Not sure what this is, but I was glad it stopped flopping around in the breeze long enough to stay in focus. If you were putting together a wildflower bouquet, this could substitute for Baby's Breath.

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

Violets, so tiny and low-growing, easy to miss, easy to just mow over.

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Once again, high-contrast monochrome brings out detail that color obscures.

Image may contain: plant

Last year I cut down a Black Walnut that had sprung up between the composter and the shed to be over eight feet tall in just a few months. This year the part of the trunk I left on the ground is covered with these handsome shelf fungi.

Image may contain: plant, flower, sky, tree, nature and outdoor

Even yet more forsythia blossoms.

Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

Moss on a cinder block.

Image may contain: plant, outdoor, food and nature

Lichen on a cherry tree. (Probably Flavoparmelia caperata.)

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Grape hyacinths.

Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

Bonus shot: wispy clouds in a sunny sky.

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