Sunday, April 15, 2018

In bloom 2018

Last year I started writing posts that noted the dates when various flowers and trees came into bloom. I had posts but no photos. This year, I have photos, though I've been posting about other things.

Crocuses are usually the first blooms to appear. I photographed these on April 8, 2018 at our family plot at St. Mary's Cemetery on Middle Road. They had probably first come into bloom about two weeks earlier.

 Image may contain: flower, plant, nature and outdoor

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

Daffodils are the first flowers to appear around our house. They were once more widespread, but eventually choked themselves out. This season I may dig them up after they are done blooming and spread the bulbs out to other spots around the house. These photos were taken April 10 and 11, and the daffodils had been in bloom for at least a week.

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: flower, plant, nature and outdoor

Image may contain: flower, plant, nature and outdoor

Image may contain: plant, flower, sky, nature and outdoor
A black-and-white photo captures subtle details that are overwhelmed by the color rendering in the color version.

Our forsythia just began to open today, April 15. Some other forsythia in the neighborhood and other parts of town have been open for several days.

Image may contain: plant, flower, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

I haven't noticed any tulips blooming yet. I wonder if I missed them, or if they didn't survive past winters.

Cherry blossoms should be open in a week or so. I'll keep an eye out for them!


  1. Like the pics. Are those rocks on the ledge of the tombstone? If so, what are they there for?

  2. Thanks! As for the rocks, my cousin placed them there. Usually I think they're just tokens, like stones added to a cairn. But right now they were there to hold down the
    "Faith" cross, which is made of very light wood. I expect it probably blew away in last night's fierce wind.
