Monday, March 19, 2012

NEPA Blog Fest is coming!

NEPA Blog Fest is coming! Born out of the irregular gatherings of bloggers hosted by veteran blogger Gort in a small Wilkes-Barre bar, Blog Fest has become a twice-a-year gathering of bloggers from throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. The Spring Edition of Blog Fest 2012 will be held on Friday, March 30 at Rooney's Irish Pub on 67 South Main Street in Pittston, starting at 6:00 and going until 10:00 or even later.

Past Blog Fests have seen attendance by 100 to 150 people - bloggers, blog readers, politicians, political office-seekers, and just regular folks.  Even last September's inclement weather (which included several feet of water in the first floor of the house of one of the event's organizers) didn't put a damper on things. And, new for this edition of Blog Fest, the nearby Arts SEEN Gallery (71 South Main Street, two doors down from Rooney's) will be staying open for anyone from the Blog Fest who needs to stretch their legs, get some fresh air, and take in some art!

If you're a blogger, a blog reader, are interested in blogs, or are just looking to have a fun, relaxing time with interesting people, come on out to Rooney's in Pittston on March 30 for the NEPA Blog Fest. You'll be glad you did!

Here are some posts that will give you a taste of past Blog Fests:

Fall 2011: Gort42: Some photos from Blogfest
Spring 2011: Pittston Politics: Blogfest turns out great crowd
Fall 2010: Another Monkey: BlogFest: Fall 2010 edition
Spring 2010: Gort42: Blogger meetup post game

You'll find updated information about Blog Fest on NEPA Blogs!

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