Thursday, March 08, 2012

Blog Fest (Spring 2012 edition) is coming!

NEPA Blog Fest is coming! March 30th at Rooney's (67 South Main Street) in Pittston, starting at 6:00!

This is going to be the biggest and best Blog Fest yet! In part that's because NEPA Blogs is bigger and better than it's ever been before, with new bloggers being added almost every day. But the venue has changed - sort of! It's still at Rooney's Irish Pub, but Rooney's has now become the cornerstone of a renaissance in Pittston, with new places opening up all around it in what used to be a run-down neighborhood. We've been informed that the art gallery Arts SEEN, located just to the left of Rooney's, will be staying open late to provide an opportunity for the folks at Blog Fest to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. And there's even a chance that the Coffee Table Cafe, located just to the right of Rooney's, can be persuaded to stay open past their usual Friday closing time of 7:00, to provide everyone with a chance to sit down and engage in conversation over coffee and maybe even a bowl of ice cream!

Blog Fest isn't just for political bloggers! We're inviting all bloggers in Northeastern Pennsylvania to come out and meet other regional bloggers! It's also a great chance for blog readers, blog fans, and people curious about blogging to come out and find out what blogging  is about. If you fall into any of these categories, please come out to meet with us on Friday, March 30 at Rooney's in Pittston at 67 South Main Street, from 6:00 to whenever!

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