Thursday, November 12, 2009

A new record at the Sideshow Gathering 2009!

On November 7th, 2009, twenty people - both professional sideshow performers and amateurs from the audience - gathered onstage to set a record for the largest number of people to simultaneously perform the "human blockhead" trick developed by Melvin Burkhart. From the record citation:
Implements involved included nails, screwdrivers, ice picks, a switchblade, a fork, a spoon, the earpiece from a pair of glasses, and a pair of scissors.

Picture by Timothy Cridland, a.k.a. Zamora, the Torture King

*Note: There are several typos and inaccuracies in this list. A corrected list is being developed.
Block Head: most people to simultaneously perform: 20. Tyler Fyre, organizer. Included: Tyler Fyre, Colonel Hunsley, Prof. Fountain, Prof. John Sprocket, Gwyd The Unusual, Swami Yomahi, Crispy Knight, James Taylor, Harley Newman, Doc. Wilson, Casey Severen, John Shaw, Donny Boroneo, Wanda Von Dunajew, Michael Katner, James Mundie, Martin Ling, Jim Stilianos, Mace, and Johnny Mahem.*

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