Thursday, October 29, 2009

One last night

Work tonight, then off for at least three days. And by "off" I mean a cavalcade of leaf raking, garden removing, and candy preparing on Friday, with maybe a haircut thrown in for good measure. Then Friday night I'll be providing an extra "adult" presence at a friend's pre-Halloween keep-the-kids-off-the-streets-on-Devil's-Night party. Saturday is probably more yard and garden stuff, church, and then sitting on my front porch with a tally counter and a big pile of candy. Sunday is somewhat open - maybe I'll visit some friends. Monday night I'm scheduled for overtime, but that could be cancelled.

Just clipped the front nails of Bowie, Rachel, Peaches, and Thor. Still have to get Scooter, BlueBear, and Amber. Nikki, Joey, and Babusz are all declawed.

But I think I'm done for now. Headed to bed.

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