Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Edith Layton Felber Memorial

Adam Felber's mother Edith Felber, also known as historical romance writer Edith Layton, passed away last Tuesday:

My mother, Edith Felber, also known as the author Edith Layton, died early Tuesday, before dawn. She’d been fighting cancer rather secretly but determinedly for quite some time. And only very recently did the disease gain the upper hand.

You can find a wonderful tribute, with her friends and fans sharing their experiences of her
right here.

Those of us who knew her by her third name, “Mom,” (or as she liked to style it on this site, “Old Mother Felber”) know that we’ve lost a beautifully unique, strong woman whose talent and wit was matched by a fierce, proud, unshakeable love for her children, her late husband, and -of course - her doggies.
Adam announced that a special commemoration of her love of doggies has been set up:

There is an Edith Layton Memorial, Fundraiser, and Giveaway you can get involved in, thanks to the terrific ladies at Dear Author and Smart Bitches.

Click either link to find out more, and by all means, help get the word out there.

Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary: Edith Layton Memorial Auction, Giveaway, and Fundraiser

Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Romance Novel Reviews: Edith Layton Memorial Auction, Giveaway, and Fundraiser

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