Sunday, May 03, 2009

Say it ain't so, Mark!

Just caught the latest missive from Mark Cour's Wilkes-Barre Online, perhaps the most interesting, most informative, best-written, and longest-running blog in this area.

It sounds like Mark is looking to move to a different neighborhood - virtually speaking, at least:
In addition, when I get around to it, I’m going to pull the electronic plug on Wilkes-Barre Online and find an internet vehicle that will require far less of my time for the purposes of posting any of my usual madness. I’ll probably end up at blogging for dummies just like practically everyone else. Whatever. Whatever works, whatever works quickly and whatever is free of charge.
Oh, boy! I'm thinking that means Blogger! (Hell, if I use it, it had better be easy and free of charge!)

Then I got to the end, and saw this:
And with that, my last ever post on the formerly expansive electronic pages of Wilkes-Barre Online…

Is this the end of Wilkes-Barre Online? And if it is, how soon until Mark sets up another blog, maybe even one over here in my neck of the woods?

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