Monday, April 20, 2009


One last day - well, night - of work to go, and then I'm off for a stretch of twelve days. I have plans for these days: some fixed, some modular and flexible. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday I will come home sore and tired in the morning. Tuesday is the day I usually take my mom grocery shopping. It's senior citizen's day, and there's a 5% discount. But I may be too sore and tired to take her, in which case she'll probably go by herself. UPDATE, 4/21/09: Done. One checkmark down!

Wednesday my mom has an appointment scheduled that I have to take her to. It's around noon, though, so I should be up before then. (4/22/09: Check.)

Saturday I'm going on a roadtrip with a friend to see some other friends. I think. (Yayyyy, 4/25/09)

Sunday I plan on going to church at one of the local churches that will be closing soon. (Check, 4/26/09)

Sometime else in this stretch of days I plan to do these things:

- Have lunch with one of my old professors. (POSTPONED, 4/23/09)
- Get together with a friend who is in town for a few weeks. (Yayyyy, 4/27/09)
- Get a load of topsoil delivered and use it to create slopes around our foundation to make sure rainwater drains away from the house, not towards it.
- Mow the lawns at both my house (Check, 4/23/09) and my mom's house (Check, 4/24/09), at least once.
- Dig one or more gardens at my house. (80% done, 4/27/09) (Completed, 4/29/09)
- Assemble composter (a big plastic box with a removable lid) and install on yard. (Check, 4/23/09)
- Check condition of tomato seeds. If they have sprouted, move to sunny location. (Sprouted and leggy, 4/27/09)
- Coordinate with my brother to move several bags of oak leaf mold over to house, as well as several gardening tools. (Check, 4/24/09)
- Start additional seeds: cucumbers, sunflowers, lettuce.

ADDED, 2:40 PM (because I just remembered when I woke up):
- Get a haircut (4/22/09: Check.)
- Get a Mother's Day gift (a portable television that receives DTV signals - anyone have any recommendations?) (4/22/09: Check.) (Arrived, 4/24/09)
- Go to Free Comic Book Day on May 2, possibly with a friend whose son has just gotten into Wolverine.

I'll keep you posted on how much of this actually happens!

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