Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MAD Magazine: "Obama: The First 100 Minutes"

I came home from work yesterday to find that MAD Magazine #498 (February 2009) had arrived in the mail. Talk about timing!

Check out the little details in the cover art by Mark Fredrickson, like the banner at the top of the Chicago Tribune on Obama's desk, dated Wednesday, January 21, 2009:

Pick up a copy! It's worth it for the cover alone! And the minute-by-minute chronicle of "Obama: The First 100 Minutes" makes it clear that the new President won't be getting treated any differently than his predecessors!


  1. What an awesome cover!

    Honestly I can't believe that isn't how he feels. Obama has a huge mess to clean up. I don't envy him.

  2. ...


    I love it. And it works from either side of the 'aisle'..!!

    Mad is a timeless treasure, even if a bit sophomoric at times.

