Monday, January 19, 2009

Last night in the White House

President George W. Bush is seen Monday morning
in the Oval Office Jan.19. 2009, making phone calls
to current and former world leaders during his final
full day in office. White House photo by Eric Draper

One day ends, and a new one begins.

Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

Tomorrow George W. Bush will become an ex-President. The set at the prop ranch at Crawford will be struck, if it hasn't already, and the now former Commander-in-Chief will retire to the loving embrace of those who are better off than they were eight years ago.

I sincerely hope someone keeps an eye on his post-Presidential adventures. What he does in the years to come may help clarify what has gone on in the past eight.

Tomorrow a new day will dawn at noon.


  1. > Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

    Absolutely, though perhaps I could be even "more better" off with better leadership. I keep hearing how bad off this country is, but just about everybody I know is doing well.

  2. happy bye-bye bush day!
