Monday, September 15, 2008

Put an Obama sign on your virtual lawn!

Yesterday I decided I wanted to stick Obama signs on my blog's virtual lawn. Feel free to grab them to use on your own site!

The first three are trimmed and edited items stolen from The first one started out life as a bumper sticker. I trimmed the top and bottom to shift the focus to the text.

This is the same image, with "wings" added to make it fit the top of my blog better.

The local Catholic bishop is essentially threatening to excommunicate everyone who supports Obama. But he is also a mafia-hugging, pedophile-shielding, union-busting, parish-closing Republican tool who has done more to reduce the ranks of Catholics in the diocese than any other cause.* So I'm not so inclined to listen to him. I found this as a yard sign on Obama's site, and trimmed it to focus on the text.

These next two I made myself, for my sidebar. The first is kind of self-explanatory:

The last one is to put to rest any concerns that ardent Hillary Clinton supporters like me might decide to betray our core principles and vote for McCain/Palin out of spite:

Again, feel free to grab these for your own site!

*He's renamed the "Bishop's Annual Appeal" to the "Our Grateful Faith Annual Appeal", apparently in an attempt to reduce the number of offering envelopes that come back with two-word messages enclosed. He's a prime example of so much of what is wrong in the Catholic Church today.


  1. Last week I had dinner with two Hillary supporters. One was a mid-50s woman, the other an early-forties gay man. Neither will vote for Obama. The woman will stay home, the man will vote for McCain.

  2. Hi. Just getting caught up after a long time away from the blogosphere.

    Thanks for the post about registering to vote. Passing that info on to my son.


    Glad to hear to didn't die an awful death on I81. Such a terrible way to go.

  3. pamagic912, I seem to recall some Obama supporters who vowed to do the same sort of things if Hillary won, or if Obama chose her as his running mate. I'm not sure there was a way of rationally reaching those people, or these people, but in the next - 49? - days, we're gonna have to try like hell to get them to change their minds.

  4. I was less worried for me than for my 1996 Tercel. A young car! Not even 300,000 miles yet! Struck down in the prime of its operational lifetime!

  5. Whim, I think you're in as much of a battleground as I am. We need to win this!!!
