Friday, September 26, 2008

Live blogging the debate, sort of

In the opening, Jim Lehrer appeared to have a bearded man's severed head at his right elbow.

"...because if they don't keep quiet, they know that I'll be adding
their heads to the collection on my desk."

McCain is wearing a hypno-tie...

(Thanks to Bill for reminding me that I meant to post this clip - this is the best quality actual Futurama clip I could find.)

Lehrer has gone off the script entirely. Interesting.

McCain hates science. That's obvious now. The "bear DNA" crack probably scored points with true-believers and some of the soft-headed. Now he wants a spending freeze on everything except a narrow range of programs - none of them science, basic or applied, as far as I could tell.

$5000 for health insurance? First, find insurance that only costs $5000 a year.

McCain isn't Miss Congeniality. He's mentioned that twice.

He just mentioned Palin. Oh, Blizzard of Words Babe. If you can get pantsed by Katie Couric, you really need to rethink your debating approach. Too bad she wasn't on the Speech Team instead of the Basketball Team.

Uh-oh, "strategy" vs. "tactic." Even I know that there's a difference there. Though I don't remember what it is.

Achmed....Achmedna...Achmeddinna...naaa...not gonna be workin' here anymore!

Didn't everybody learn how to pronounce "perestroika" 25 years ago? (Or was that "glasnost" he was having touble with?)

Jim Lehrer: "SHUT UP! The both of you! Just...SHUT...UP!!!...Next question:..."

Hey, it's over. I survived.

CNN Transcript of the debate

Complete video of the debate, courtesy of C-SPAN:


  1. Great play-by-play! Unfortunately McCain did better than I thought (hoped) he would but Obama still kicked butt.
    One thing I liked was: (both way paraphrased!)
    McC: .."I wear her son's bracelet so he didn't die in vain..."
    Obama: "I wear her son's bracelet so NO OTHER MOTHER'S SON HAS TO DIE""
    'nuff said
    Ms. Palin is having a rally hereabouts next week...the BF wants to go to be an obnoxious "anti Palin" voice in the crowd...but he's debating having to probably make a $$ donation to get a "free" ticket to the event.

  2. Michael Bolton?
    Is that your REAL name?

  3. Michelle, that reference just cost me a good 20 seconds of mental processing time. I guess some lines from the movie sank in deeper than others.

  4. vote for the hypo-toad!

    B @ bn

  5. i just re-read my post....and it sort of sounds like I was hoping McCain would do better....please let me clarify...I was hoping he would do WORSE... like completely go all cranky old man and start sputtering like a fool.

  6. McCain is going to veto EVERY spending bill that comes across his desk??? Uh huh.

    On a separate note, I think a tactic is what you use to carry out a strategy.
