Saturday, September 06, 2008

Bookcase Saturday

Well, I accomplished one goal today, and failed at another.

I assembled another bookcase today, a somewhat sturdy (in spite of the plastic hardware) five-shelf espresso-finish $31 number from Target. It took a while, and I broke a sweat doing it. But for the most part it seems like it will hold together, although the weird plastic connectors that are supposed to hold the upper half and bottom half together seemed like they didn't want to stay together at all.

When it was done, I stood it up next to the Wal-Mart five-shelf bookcase I put together last weekend, and decided I wanted to swap it out with this one. So I had to pull all the books off of that one's shelves, shuffle that bookcase out and the new bookcase in, and restock the shelves. This time I was a little more selective about which books I put on the shelves, as these are the most visible, most easily-accessible books. So I put many of my favorites there. I moved the "old" bookcase into a corner against the front/East wall of the house - all these others had been on the side/North side of the house, which faces my neighbors' house. Then I restocked those shelves with most of the books I had already shelved last week, plus some of the books I brought over last night.

I still have one more five-shelf bookcase like the one I assembled today waiting in a box - once it is assembled it will take the last remaining spot on the North wall. After that I can position one more five-shelf case on the other side of the window on the front wall. Then we'll see if having books against the walls makes any difference at all this Winter.

Where I failed this weekend was avoiding politics, because I listened to Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! while I worked, and naturally politics was a major topic this week. (Paula Poundstone kept a running theme of interjecting the biographies of random women with more international experience than McCain's veep pick, Sarah Palin.) It was a fun show, featuring the sound of rain as the crowd at the special outdoor open-air recording got soaked with the remnants of Tropical Storm Hanna, and the sound of nearby fire engines for most of the latter half of the show.

Speaking of such things: I was checking out the website for Francesco Marciuliano's awesome recently-revived comic Medium Large when I came across this strip from this past Wednesday - the same day that Sarah Palin and her family and The Guy Who Knocked Up Her Daughter accepted the role of John McCain's running mate:

Teenage Girl President is even more legendary than Medium Large! I can't wait to see it return on September 15!

And while we're on the subject, check out Francesco's girlfriend Sara Benincasa's now-famous Sarah Palin VLOGs! (NSFW, or little kids, or moose, or anyone who gets in Sarah Palin's way.)

1 comment:

  1. I moved three five shelf bookcases and one three shelf bookcase with me. I got rid of one five shelf and one four shelf. I still have a ton of books in boxes too.
    Let me know how it works out for you. It might be a useful thing to know.
