Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Aaaagh. Tomorrow my binary life switches over to "work" for the next four days. I will return to "off" on Sunday - really, at 6:01 PM on Saturday.

Rather than actually write an honest-to-goodness post for this blog, I will toot my horn about the fact that I finally posted new entries to two of my other blogs.

Check out A Blog of Nanticoke for information about Nanticoke's Citywide Yard Sale Part 2, taking place this Saturday, October 6 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Unfortunately, I will be working that day, so some other enterprising soul will have to take the initiative to sell soda and water to thirsty yard sale shoppers!

Meanwhile on NEPA Blogs I have finally added a new blog that was submitted nearly a month ago. Check out The Nittany Blog for all your Penn State sports needs!

Well, that's it for now. Time to make lunch for tomorrow, and maybe the next day, too!

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