Friday, October 26, 2007

Rainy days in Autumn

Near Hunlock's Creek, PA, facing South, 10/25/2007, 5:29 PM

Near Hunlock's Creek, PA, facing East, 10/25/2007, 5:30 PM

The rain let up these last four days just long enough for me to mow the lawn yesterday. By the time I took a shower and headed out into the surrounding countryside to run some errands, the sky had already grayed over again. So colors that would have been bright and spectacular in full sunlight are dark and muted. But by the time I get a chance to take photos in daylight again - next Wednesday, October 31, Halloween - there is a good chance that many of these leaves will have fallen. So I grabbed what pictures I could.

Back again I go, to lead the life of a factory laborer for four days. Some opportunities for networking may be presenting themselves in the next few weeks. I think I'll take advantage of them.


  1. what do you mean har?

  2. Networking = meeting other people in the local business community in a social setting and having an opportunity to learn about possible unexplored employment opportunities.

  3. Well good luck! They brought in this crotchedy old man to teach us resume and interviewing skills. He was saying something like 90% of all jobs are found via networking over just going to monster and applying for something.

  4. Michelle, what I was thinking of was that Power Outage thingie. I was going to ask you about it. Or is it just a bunch of people going out and drinking?

    By the way, I'm terrible at hobnobbing and chitchat. I'd rather let my personal excellence speak for itself. And you know how that's worked out so far.

    Monster and CareerBuilder are GREAT if you have a shortage of spam in your inbox. Before you sign up for either, I strongly recommend setting up a new e-mail account just for these sites. watch how quickly it fills up with offers to be the Regional Sales Representative for a Latvian furniture maker or a Field Reporter for a Hollywood gossip magazine!

  5. I've kind of been out of the Power Loop for a bit now. Laurie Gress used to run it but she left to persue other ventures. She was outgoing and would make you feel welcome. I have never met this new group leader - her name is Therese Maxfield. She comes across nice in her emails though.

    Believe it or not, I think I interviewed with a guy that was at a Power Outage this week. John Augustine's son and Owen are a few months apart in age and we go to the same daycare! I think he's the director of the Chamber of Commerce or something of that nature. Its a small world.

    I'm not too inclined to talk to people I don't know either, but once I get a drink in me it makes Me feel less awkward.

  6. Great pics!

    Good luck with the networking.
