Monday, September 10, 2007

AAAAGH, I missed it!

For the first time in about fifteen years, I failed to tape the MTV Video Music Awards.

My brother got me started on this. I think the first year that he taped it was the year Van Halen won for something major early on. The band took the stage and then-lead singer Sammy Hagar said "People wonder if we're grateful, and I say 'YEAH, WE'RE F***IN' GRATEFUL!'" Only the censor was a little bit slow, and I think only managed to clip the second "grateful".

After that it was a bit of fun to see what might happen. When the Red Hot Chili Peppers took the stage and began to play a slow, gentle version of "Under the Bridge"...and then Flea threw a handful of fireworks on the stage and they switched to an energetic version of "Give It Away". Seeing O.D.B., Pras, and the oh-so-gorgeous Mya performing "Ghetto Superstar", and then watching Pras rescue O.D.B. from being blown up by the end-of-song pyrotechnics. Watching The Kiss - well, both of them, the Madonna-on-Britney kiss and the Madonna-on-Christina kiss, which MTV unwisely cut away from to show Justin Timberlake's reaction to the image of his ex in a lesbian liplock with the Crazy Old Lady of Pop.

But I missed it last night. I missed the performance by the stoned, untalented Britney Spears impersonator (that couldn't have been Britney, that just couldn't have been). I missed...well, whatever else happened that was worth seeing. Which is a bit of a stretch, but still...

Well, all is not lost. According to, the VMAs will be aired several more times this week, including tomorrow at 10:00 (pre-show starts at 9:00.) I'll try to remember to tape it then.


  1. wow that must kinda suck...u broke a 15 year tradition! ill turn a blind eye if you will ;)

  2. Yes, I too missed the VMAs. I didn't even know they were on. I heard something that Britney was going to perform, but I thought they were still aways away so Britney could, you know, rehearse or something.

    Too bad for Britney the show was much sooner. I watched a clip at work and all I can say is - it sucked! The dancing was bad, the lip-syncing was crap, and the song was god-awful. Don't believe me? Here's a link to the video on YouTube:

    I won't put a link here, but you should also check out Sarah Silverman's comments after the performance. Yikes!

  3. I missed em altogether. Thanks for the tip, I'll set the DVR for tonight!
