Sunday, August 26, 2007

That's What People Are Talking About

A few months ago Jennifer D. Wade introduced me to the concept of TWPATA - "That's What People Are Talking About."
In the world of news, TWPATA is an acronym for "That's What People Are Talking About." Want to do a story that viewers will be interested in? Find out TWPATA.
A while back I wrote an entry about an amazing astronomical event that would allegedly be taking place tomorrow night - or tonight, if you understand that "12:30 AM" means "thirty minutes after the date changes at midnight." It's not happening, sadly - see the linked entry for details. But many, many people from all over the world have heard about it, and are searching for information on it. And many of those people have been coming to my site each day for the last two weeks or so - according to my SiteMeter, enough to currently account for anywhere from 60% to 90% of my visitors at any given time, and enough to effectively triple my readership for the moment. That's what people are talking about right now.

If you are checking these links sometime after the end of August 2007, these statements will probably no longer apply. Perhaps a handful of these visitors will become regular readers, which would be great. But what will people be talking about next month, and the month after that?

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