Friday, August 24, 2007

Some updates

Updates to yesterday's post:

1. I did finish mowing the lawn. The Yellowjacket stings eventually faded away sometime after I went to sleep last night. I think the stingers were embedded in my ankles. The one in my left forearm I scraped out almost immediately, and it stopped stinging within an hour or so. It left an interesting little scar.

2. Getting my computer fixed might cost less than I anticipated. Then again, it might cost more. I'll find out in a few days.

3. The battery for our portable phone (one of a set of four identical portable phones that all work from a single base unit) will need to be mail-ordered, or ordered over the internet.

Incidentally, today is the second anniversary of the day my father died.


  1. I've finally made some time to sit down and get caught up on everything since June. God love you for being such a faithful blogger!
    Congrats on the job and good luck with the continued search.
    Can I request a picture of Wiggles? I'm such a sucker for animals.
    Now that I'm up to date, I can get back to Harry Potter.

  2. Harold, the last few times I spoke to you on the phone you sounded happier than you had done of late.
    In saying that, your blogs made me sad today.
    That tells me I need to see you face to face. Your eyes always give away how you are really feeling.
    Lets do dinner with the Divine Miss L?
