Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lazy Tuesday

I didn't get a lot accomplished today, but, hey, it was raining.

I took my mom grocery shopping this morning. Tuesdays are Senior Citizen discount days, and she does love her 5% discount. I'm in charge of the coupons, memorizing them before we begin shopping, dividing them into "stuff we need", "stuff we use", "stuff we can try", and "why did you clip this one?". If we find something on sale that we have a coupon for, bonus.

September will be a four-week blackout period for our shopping trips, since I'll be working every Tuesday that month. My mom will still go shopping, but she won't be able to get the heavweight stuff that I routinely lug. I'll get that stuff on my own on my days off, without a 5% discount.

After we got home I realized that either 1) it is a very bad idea, from a digestive point of view, to eat almost-but-not-quite-ripe grapes, or 2) the week-old slice of cheesecake I had for breakfast was perhaps a bit too ripe. I realized this twice within a one-hour period.

While I was dealing with this realization, my nephews came over for perhaps the last time before they go back to school next week. I presented them with gifts: piggy banks to be kept safely at their grandmother's house, pre-stocked with a dollar, a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny, and the last 18 Wacky Packages (Series 5) that I was able to get at the local Target. (We have almost completed a set of the main cards. We still need card #1, "TUG" "TUB" (parody of "TAB", or "TaB", the early diet soda). We also have an almost-complete set of doubles, and quite a few third and fourth and even fifth copies of cards.)

This visit was a little unexpected, and as a result I never made it to the hardware store for a "humane trap" to capture the groundhog that has been decimating the neighborhood gardens. What I will do with the groundhog once I catch it, I have no idea.

After the boys left, I updated A Blog of Nanticoke and NEPA Blogs. I still need to see about updating Beyond the Needle and A Monkey in the Garden. I think Unknown Failure is OK for now.

After we give the kitten his nightly medicine, I plan to head back over the house to spend another night there and take another stab at doing some yard work there in-between downpours tomorrow.* Failing that, I may come back here early and head out to run some errands on my third day of my four-day break.

*Update, a few hours later: Change of plans. The rain began coming down hard, and the possibility arose that I would once again have to man the pumps. It has since stopped, but I'm gonna stay here tonight. Just in case.

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