Sunday, August 05, 2007

Belated Blogiversaries

At least two blogiversaries for blogs linked on my sidebar have come and gone without acknowledgment by me.

Gareth has been writing Another Chance to See for three years as of July 30, 2007. I first linked to him in October 2004. It's really amazing how much time has passed since then. It feels like it's been a lot longer.

The blogger known as Whim first started The Babblings of Whimsicalbrainpan on July 28, 2006. It was nearly six months later that I first read her site - just over six months ago. Again, it feels like forever. Reading Whim's stuff, you get the feeling that she has been blogging for a lot longer than that.

In other blog news: Ashley has a new blog in the works, A Positive Blog in Lansing, which focuses on HIV/AIDS in the Greater Lansing, Michigan area. And Teigra has started a new blog, **~**~**Letters From the Stars**~**~**. Check them out!

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