Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Blog of Nanticoke

I've got an idea. It's a germ of a plan, really. I've already started putting it in motion, but I just did one of the more fundamental things: I started a new blog.

This blog is called A Blog of Nanticoke and it can be found at It will focus on my hometown of Nanticoke the way NEPA Blogs looks at Northeastern Pennsylvania in general.

It's just a first step along a path that involves some things I've talked about previously. If it works, it will validate the old chestnut "Do what you love, and the money will follow." I don't know how much money - possibly very little - so I won't stop my job search just yet. Still, if I can combine my love of blogging and my desire to see Nanticoke become something better than it's ever been before, maybe, just maybe...

Please check it out. If you're from Nanticoke and have a web site, or know of any Nanticoke web sites, or would like to see specific things featured, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!


  1. Since I've only been to Nanticoke... what? Once? Twice?...Once, I think... I don't think I qualify to join your new blog. So I think I'll hang out at this one for a while. ;) Oh, and HAPPY FOURTH!

  2. hmmm, i must go over to the new blog soon....
