Saturday, June 23, 2007


Dammit. My iron levels were too low for a blood donation today, even after a week of eating red meat. I could try again next Saturday, but I've already got plans for that day.

I had other plans for today, too, but those got shifted when I found out that my nephew is playing his last two T-ball games this weekend, and there is a Mass for my uncle tomorrow. So today would have been a quick trip to hang out with a bunch of heavily-armed people making lots of noise for a few hours, followed by a drive home late in the evening. Even without being a pint low, the whole thing would be a bit stressful. So I opted for the T-ball game today, and perhaps planting some roses later this afternoon. (This would not have been possible with a hole in my left arm, so that worked out for me.)

Wow. Assuming I do not give blood next Saturday - which I do not intend to do - the next Saturday after that will be July 7. Time keeps ticking away.


  1. At least you tried. Do you take vitamins? Are you getting enough protien?

  2. I'm not taking vitamins, but maybe I should. And I thought I was getting enough protein, but it's mostly through eggs, fish, and yogurt. I also thought the Red Cross had relaxed the minimum iron requirements recently, from a count of 38 to one of 35. (I was at 37.) But this was someone I hadn't seen at the center ever before. Maybe she was using the old limits, or maybe the limit has been raised since my last donation.
