Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Three things

1. At the request of Skullturf Q. Beavispants from The Comics Curmudgeon, here is a Don Martin bit from MAD Magazine issue 150, April 1972 that has some parallels to today's They'll Do It Every Time comic.
Again, I encourage and exhort you to get a copy of Absolutely MAD, the complete (so far) MAD Magazine archives on a single DVD-ROM!

2. Tomorrow is the second blogiversary of Ashley's Ink On Paper. My computer is a little crazy from the heat right now, so there's no guarantee I'll be able to do a proper post congratulating her. Go over and see what she's all about!

3. Rima, and old friend from the early days of this blog, has asked me to direct you, my wonderful, generous, and sanitary readers, to her online auction benefiting the Boys and Girls Clubs of Oakhurst, California.

I would love for you to feature the Online Auction I am running for your huge reader-base! You don't have to be in Oakhurst, CA to shop for a good cause!

To learn more about our plight, visit

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