Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy second Blogiversary, Gort!

Gort over at Gort42 is celebrating two years of blogging today! Congratulations!

It's funny, for some reason I though Gort had been blogging for much longer than this - longer than me, at least. In twelve days it will be three years since the first post on Another Monkey. (I actually thought I had been blogging longer than that - I thought this was going to be my fourth blogiversary!)

Click on over to Gort's place and join the virtual party!

Gort42: Two years of blogging


  1. May must be the month to start a blog I started mine on May 10th.

  2. Thanks DB,

    There are only a few of us in Luzerne County that have stuck with it. I'm getting paranoid about listing new sites over at NEPA Blogs. Everytime I do they stop posting.
