Monday, March 19, 2007

Peter Sagal Sexiest Man

Another inside joke, this time for fans of Adam Felber's Fanatical Apathy and the National Public Radio news quiz show "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me".

FA commentor Aaron reported a bit of spam mail with the subject line "Peter Sagal Sexiest Man". Peter Sagal is the host of WWDTM, and I suggested that a "Peter Sagal Sexiest Man" T-shirt would make a good membership premium for those who contribute to their local NPR station in support of WWDTM. So here's my design. The front...
...and the back, featuring the complete text of the spam e-mail:
Even without the T-shirt as a membership premium, you should still support your local NPR station. And for a good time, you should listen to Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me every week!

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