Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fanatical Apathy: Seattle

Courtesy of fellow Fanatical Apathy commentor (and owner of the very cool Jackson Street Books) SeattleDan, I bring you this photo of three members of the Fanatical Apathy: Seattle chapter! From left to right: Ann, SeattleTammy (who manages the Seattle Mystery Bookshop), SeattleDan.


  1. Thanks, Harold, for posting the picture. It's great to be able to put a face with each of their names. And the picture definitely says, "These people know how to have fun."


  2. Harold, I see this for what it is - a shameless attempt to win the heart of Ann by putting her photo on the internet and making her famous world wide. Smoothe. Dale can't do that. Go with your strength, I always say. A good picture of Tammy and Dan (way, way too much hair, bro), too.

  3. Nice pic. And I accept it: Harold, you are by far the better man. Well the only man. Which, I suspect, was part of the problem.

  4. It's just a damn good thing I had those two to hold me up!
    Seattle Dan is the most sober in that photo- Ann and I had begun the evening at Utilikilts' Open House party. We were there to investigate Men in Kilts and drink their beer, all of which we found in abundance.

  5. Oh yeah -- they look like a bunch of "readers."

  6. hvnzaeqy...it is certainly no
    "peas on earth" but a damn fine pic. :)
