Friday, December 01, 2006

NEPA BlogCon is tomorrow!

OK, nobody else is calling it that. Officially (as "Officially" as it gets) it's called the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society. Gort made the announcement on NEPA Blogs:

The next meeting of the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society is scheduled for this Saturday 4PM at Marks Pub 1287 N Washington St, Wilkes-Barre (map it). Pope George Ringo has extended an invitation to all bloggers, commenters and readers to join us.

Michael G. Rennie the Unofficial Social Secretary of the Northeast Blogging Council informs me that he's received many definate maybes from area bloggers that are intending to attend. Our last meetup in May was a runaway success resulting in no hospitalizations or arrests. We even had a state rep candidate show up and this time we may have a few past and future candidates for public office. So clear your schedules and join us.

I was at the last event and it was fun. Everyone is welcome. Come and put a face to the names!

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