Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tony Barr for Congress

When I was at the Felberpalooza a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting (and biking with) Tony Barr, grassroots Democratic canditate for Congress out of Pennsylvania's 9th district. Unfortunately, as an 11th district boy I can't actually vote for him, but I will throw what support I can his way.

Fellow Felbernaut and gracious host of the Felberpalooza Murray had this to say recently about Tony Barr:

The good news is that Esquire Magazine has endorsed Tony and he talked to a reporter with the Los Angeles Times, but so far most of the media is ignoring this district. There is a reason for that. Our opponent Bill Shuster who Esquire called an underperforming representative, has made his campaign strategy to hide and hope that Tony either goes away or is not noticed by anyone. So Shuster doesn’t hold press conferences or do rallies or anything.

I spent Sunday during the day and Monday evening doing door to door then attending rubber chicken dinners with Tony. One was 2 hours drive to the west and the other was over an hour to the east.
It’s hard to imagine the pace Tony is keeping up. His school wouldn’t give him leave (It could be politically motivated) so he works there till 3:30 and then either makes an appearance or does door to door. On Monday we each arrived home after 11:00 PM and he had to be up at 5:00 the next morning.

Tony still hasn’t hit the national media and the local papers and TV don’t see a race so he works with little notice.

The campaign has gotten about $30,000 so far which is a bit less than the million that Shuster has on hand.

If the people of the district could see how much work Tony does and how little Shuster does, if they could talk to each of them, if they compared what each wants to accomplish, Tony would win in a landslide. But the game is so very stacked against him and Tony only has the deep dissatisfaction of the voters to work with.

We think that this election is a toss up. Tony has a good chance of winning but it sure won’t be easy, this district has been Republican for the past 146 years.

In the past half year, I’ve gotten to meet numerous politicians and candidates, I’ve seen the best and the worst. People like Tony who have pure motives and want to change America back to being honest and fair to its people, and others in for vengeance, self promotion and personal gain.

If you want to help out, you can send a check to one of the most honest and hard working people I know. You can find out more at . You won’t find a better cause for your money.

Click on the links and have a look at Tony Barr. Support him if you can, vote for him if you can. This is one of the good guys, and we need to send a few more of them to Congress!


  1. DB, This guy has been under the radar, even mine. Anything can happen in a weird year like this one.

    How was your commute yesterday?

  2. The commute was fine! The trick was to get out an hour early, before the construction crews got started and well before you-know-who arrived at the airport.

  3. Here's what Esquire had to say: "A thorougly unremarkable representative, Bill Shuster regurgitates whatever the Republican House leadership tells him. Not sufficient."
