Sunday, September 24, 2006

A weekend of debauchery and swordplay

Just spiraling down from a fun weekend of cider, mead, Yuengling, rattan swordfighting, and archery. The Pocono mountains (they're actually not mountains, but a highly eroded plateau) provided an excellent backdrop for this event. And to make it an excellent all-around weekend, there was no loss of life or limb whatsoever. More photos soon!


  1. Brother Inebrius and Brother Flatulus?

    You are blasphemers! Jihad! Jihad!

    Bill @ IB

  2. Bill, you may have noticed that neither of us is wearing a cross, which is pretty much a standard part of most monk's costumes. This was a decision arrived at independently by both of us.

    By the way, you may want to do a minute or two of research into the German Mozart opera thing before you decide that it's because Muslims hate Mozart. Let's just say I could come up with a few illustrative analogies for you, but they disgust even me.

  3. No crosses? Thus, not only blasphemers, but apostates! I dare not ask what you were wearing beneath the robes.

    I wonder what other brothers you could have in your bacchanial fraternity.

    Brother Tedius-til-blottus
    Sister Hotpanteus
    Brother Pedantusjoykillus
    Brother Lustalot
    Sister Imbibus-muchos
    Sister Felonius Underageus

    That's the best I could do.

  4. That was me, Bill @ IB
