Saturday, August 12, 2006

30,000 page views

Thursday morning I checked my Sitemeter and saw this:

30,000 page views as of 8/10/006
30,000 page views! It's been less than seven weeks since I was at 25,000.

I owe a lot of this to The Anomalist, and to Cathy Baker of Hee Haw fame, and to When Fangirls Attack! It's nice to know that so many people are reading - or at least looking at - my stuff.


  1. And your average visits are up. Congtrats my friend. You're a talented writer and should be widely read.

  2. I have 372 page visits. :)

  3. My dailys used to be high but since I left I havnt reinstalled a web counter. So I have no idea if everyone or no one reads my stuff.
    Ahem, speaking of talent...

  4. So where does one get this Sitemeter?

  5. Go to and follow the step-by-step instructions. It's been more than two years since I added mine, so they may have changed some of the details.
