Friday, June 09, 2006

Scheduled Blogger outage at 11:23 AM today

There is a Blogger outage scheduled for 11:23 AM EST (8:23 AM PST) today. This will be a refreshing change of pace from all the unscheduled outages that have been happening lately.

Blogger has its own Blogger status blog. It can be found at For anyone wondering what the heck has been going on with Blogger lately, here are the latest posts from that blog:

Thursday, June 08, 2006

For many users, Blogger will have been extremely slow or down for most of the morning. We continue to work on fixes for this problem and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible.

Update (4:45p): We are planning another infrastructure overhaul to address the significant problems we've been having in the past several days.

Update (6:59p): We've made another change that has improved performance, but we are also planning to make additional changes this evening.

Posted by Jason at 11:14 PDT

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

This morning, a hardware problem we had been struggling with over the past several days suddenly worsened. As a result, and to stave off future downtime, we have had to take Blogger down for an extended period of time as we address the problem. We will continue to update this blog and the homepage with more information.

Update: We've brought up new hardware which has allowed us to restore the site. We try hard to avoid downtimes of this length and apologize for the inconvenience.

Posted by Jason at 15:37 PDT

Monday, June 05, 2006

Photo uploading will be disabled for 30 minutes this evening starting at 10pm (Pacific Time).

Update: This is taking longer than expected. Hopefully we will be done by 11:45pm (Pacific Time). We will update as we learn more.

Update: We are now finished. Thank you for your patience.

Posted by Jason at 15:46 PDT

We are now recovering from an unscheduled downtime, related to the problem from last week.

There is still some residual slowness as a result of emergency maintenance we are performing on the system.

Posted by Jason at 10:20 PDT

Friday, June 02, 2006

We are having intermittent downtime because of a hardware problem. We are working to resolve this issue.

Update: This has been resolved.

Posted by Jason at 11:22 PDT

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Some users will be seeing an error at login because of a change made last night. We are working on a fix for this problem now.

Update, 10AM Thursday: This was fixed at about 2PM yesterday afternoon.

Posted by Jason at 11:01 PDT

Saturday, May 27, 2006

From approximately 5:45pm to 6:30pm, some people may have had trouble accessing their blogs as a database job was causing queries to be slow. Things have been restored to normal. Sorry for the interruption. Posted by Steve at 18:47 PDT

1 comment:

  1. DB, Thanks for the heads up.

    My word verifier is qwigi. While blogger is down I will try to sneak in a qwigi.
