Friday, May 12, 2006

SJLA reunion dress code

I've been debating what to wear to tomorrow's SJLA reunion. I sort-of settled on a sport coat, dress shirt, tie, and dress pants. Looks like I made that same decision five years ago, as recorded for posterity in this photo from the 2001 reunion that I took from the SJLA reunion website. (I'm in the front row, next to the woman in red.)

Judging from this picture I was a little overdressed. Maybe I'll go for something a bit more casual this which case everyone else will probably dress up, and I'll end up looking like a slob. Well, after the dinner I almost certainly will look like a slob, so may as well go for it.

Now, I just need to figure out where the heck Brennan Hall is. They keep on building these buildings...

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