Thursday, April 06, 2006

Back to Ireland

Returning to Ireland was like a wet slap in the face - literally. We got off the plane at Cork in a cold, driving rain and had to march across the tarmac and line up (sorry, queue up) outside of the terminal to pass through Passport Control.

While we had been enjoying cold, clear, and dry weather in London (with the exception of a few horizon-hugging clouds and the occasional snowflurries), Ireland had been enduring cold, cloudy, and rainy weather the whole weekend. Still, it felt nice to be back.

I began the final phase of my trip, the buildup to St. Patrick's Day that coming Friday. I did a little more walking around town and took a few more photographs whenever we drove somewhere.

Panorama of the Galtees as seen from the South
Seven overlapping photos,
total full-resolution width approximately 12 feet

Ruins of a church in Ballylanders, currently used as a
drop-off site for recyclables (bins are behind me in photo)

Galtees seen from the North

And that was very nearly it. My time was running out, and St. Patrick's Day was drawing near. I couldn't wait to see what the local parade would be like.

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