Thursday, March 23, 2006


Kegs of Guinness.

Beer signs, and one for Coca-Cola that lists "Havana, Cuba."
How old is this sign?

An almost-full pint of Guinness at Kate Brown's pub in Ardfert. (I took a drink before I thought to pull out my camera!) Pints in Ireland are bigger than pints in the U.S. - 16 ounces vs. 12 ounces.

That same glass a minute later.


  1. All Hail the mighty Glass-O-Guinness!!! But is it served at room temperature?

  2. Maybe a little less. In all likelihood I nursed it...waitaminute.

    The pictures were actually taken 33 minutes apart, according to my camera!

    No, Marc, it was quite cool. I've never had a warm beer in Ireland - though "quite cool" frequently IS the room temperature!

  3. Marc, my brother told me when he served in Germany they actually took steins out of the oven......
