Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Back from London, and an Ashes update

London was fun. Kinda like Disneyworld dropped on top of New York City - a bustling metropolis packed full of tourists, with costumed characters and long lines at all of the attractions.

I picked up a copy of the "V for Vendetta" graphic novel at a bookstore at Gatwick Airport while we were waiting for our flight back to Cork. I was glad I got to see Big Ben and Parliament before some dude in a Guy Fawkes costume got to blow it up! (According to the book this happened in 1997, so I guess I had nothing to worry about.)

So now I'm on to the third and final phase of my visit - St. Patrick's Day in Ireland! Still haven't made much headway with my friend's paper, but I think I will be able to help her a little before I leave Sunday morning.

My mom tell me Ashes is doing better than he has in a long time, but the vet says he lost another two ounces since last Tuesday. Still, it looks like he will be there when I get back to Nanticoke on Monday. Thanks, everybody!

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