Tuesday, February 28, 2006

One more Ashes update before I go

My mom just took Ashes for his weekly visit to the vet. Ashes gained four ounces in the past week. That's pretty significant, and really good news.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who's been praying for Ashes. If, indeed, your prayers have been effective in this matter, then I implore you to add prayers for world peace and an end to hatred and misery for people and animals everywhere. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. More than a month ago we both thought we would lose our kitty boys and both are still here and now Mulder is doing great and Ashes has gained weight. I really believe it was all the prayers and of course with Ashes, the Tender Vittles searched for and served with love! By the way, Gerrity's in the Keyser Oak Plaza has Tender Vittles, too. We are keeping Ashes in our prayers, and you too, that you have a happy, healthy and spirtiually prosperous (meant a multitude of ways) vacation in Ireland.
