Wednesday, January 25, 2006


While I was working on the "Ashes" post last night there was a tremendous clap of thunder. My brother had called about 10 minutes earlier reporting seeing lightning. While thunderstorms are not uncommon in this area, thundersnow is quite rare. This thunder and lightning was associated with a brief but heavy snow squall which turned major highways into a "skating rink" according to the emergency personnel who had abandoned their vehicles to proceed, on foot, to the site of a traffic-blocking accident.

1 comment:

  1. We had that in our area too! It was the first time I've ever seen that particular weather event. It was so cool!

    The only thing I can think of -weather related, that is - that compares in coolness is when I was driving through a torrential downpour one night and all of a sudden the clouds broke and the full moon came shining through - while it was still pouring. Similar to when the sun peeks through a storm but I've never had it happen at night before. And with a full moon! How cool is that!
