Monday, December 05, 2005

Is Blogger down?

I can't access my blog, or any other Blogspot blogs, or the Blogger status page. But I can access the Blogger dashboard and my post editor. I hope this is just a temporary problem.

UPDATE (12/6/2005, 7:15 AM): Yay, I'm back up. I'm trying to check the comment - I think it's one that Lauren left, which I've already read necause I get all my comments e-mailed to me - and Blogger is telling me that this post doesn't exist. Which is kinda odd, since I'm editing it right now.


  1. Blogger is up and running again finally. Unfortunately it's been down all day. I guess that's what we get for using a free service. :)

    BTW, the word for verification on this comment is ihhhhtg. That's a lot of H's!

  2. Yup, I had trouble reaching my sites yesterday. Free is good, and I think with Google behind them Blogger should improve and flourish in the coming years.
