Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The return of Super G!

Super G (formerly of My Distractions In This Modern Age) has returned with a kinder, gentler blog: The Hurricane's Eye - A Place Where Everything Is Calm. Set aside your wrath, find your center, and stop over for a visit. Just watch out for the wall cloud.

(Funny thing is, I once considered spinning off a second blog that went the other way - an angry political blog. But I found that what Mr. John Lydon once sang is true: anger is an energy, and channeling your anger into words can be extremely draining. Not to mention bad for you. But I've still left the option open.)


  1. Thanks for the promo.

    I rarely get mad ... it drives my wife crazy. So, for me, not getting mad could be a subtle form of passive aggressive behavior.

  2. I get mad alot, and I get even. Erm, does this make me a bad person?
