Thursday, January 03, 2008

Where's Adam? WHERE'S ADAM???

I was skipping through my blog links yesterday and when I clicked on the one for Adam Felber's Fanatical Apathy, I discovered two things:

1. The link,, now redirects to

2. gives the following message:
Warning: include_once(/home/adameft/felbers-www/wp/wp-content/referrer-karma.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/adameft/public_html/index.php on line 1

Warning: include_once() [
function.include]: Failed opening '/home/adameft/felbers-www/wp/wp-content/referrer-karma.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php')in /home/adameft/public_html/index.php on line 1

Fatal error: Call to undefined function check_referrer()in /home/adameft/public_html/index.php on line 1

Which would probably be even scarier if I knew what the hell it meant.

Naturally I did what any fan of Fanatical Apathy would do: panicked, and immediately assumed that Adam had been carted off to some undisclosed location in a black helicopter. But on further consideration I decided to stop over at Peter Sagal's place. Peter is a friend and associate of Adam, and the last time Adam's site went offline a lot of us FanAp Refugees streamed over the border to his blog.

But this time I appear to be the first one there. So I left this appeal for Peter, which is still tied up in moderation:

Hey, Peter! Happy New Year! And stuff. Yeah, I’ve only stopped by once or twice before…didn’t mean to be a stranger, but, you know, work and family and maintaining a blog of my own and WHERE THE HELL DID ADAM’S BLOG GO? OH GOD IT’S JUST A BEWILDERING ERROR MESSAGE MAKE HIM COME BACK PETER PLEASE PLEASE MAKE HIM COME BACK AAAAAAAH

Ummm, so like I was saying, best wishes for 2008! Mazel tov, Nov shmoz ka pop, and all that!

Adam, where are you? AAAAAAADAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!

Title reference: Twin Peaks, when we discover that Dale Cooper is more than he appears to be after his reflection begins taunting him with "Where's Annie? Where's Annie???" Annie was Dale's girlfriend who had disappeared a few episodes earlier. The suggestion was that the murderous spirit Bob had taken up residence in the body of the main character and had caused him to kill his girlfriend. At least, I think that's what was going on.

The last line is a reference really too rude to explain. Read the signs next time you walk into Wal-Mart, do some research, and you'll figure it out.


whimsical brainpan said...

I hope your friend gets his site up and running again soon.

hedera said...

That was an amusing error, wasn't it? (Relax, whim, the other site is back up.)